Electric Distribution

Overhead Distribution

We provide construction and maintenance services for overhead electrical distribution systems. We are trained and qualified to safely work on distribution voltages up to 34.5kV. Our fleet of equipment includes service, bucket and line trucks for on and off-road work as well as other challenging access locations. We work safely and efficiently in all aspects of our distribution operations services while meeting clients expectations. We also provide 24/7 storm support for our clients as well as off system storm restoration services.

Underground Distribution

We provide construction and maintenance services for underground electrical distribution systems. We are trained and qualified to safely work on distribution voltages up to 34.5kV. Our fleet of equipment includes tracked equipment and backyard machines for off-road work as well as other challenging access locations. We work safely and efficiently in all aspects of our distribution operations services while meeting clients expectations. We also provide 24/7 storm support for our clients as well as off system storm restoration services.